jueves, 1 de diciembre de 2011

compare contrast essay (final version)

Rock & roll, hippies, drugs; these are some words that can describe the 60’s and part of the 70’s. Beautiful decades, where the women liberation began, mini-skirts appeared and drugs became popular. The 60’s was synonym of revolution, a decade where people could wish to be free and be free moreover the music was an incredible influence for the young people and the existence of bands like the Doors, the Who, and the Rolling Stones inspired people for expressing their ideas against the government. Today it is very different, music and lyrics are different they have no sense and they have artificial sounds, that means sounds created or made by the computer. Something that can be rescued from today is that there are bands that still having real music, but they are influenced, obviously, by the best decades the 60’s and the 70’s.
Without a doubt, the most important band in the 60’s and part of the 70’s was the Beatles, a band conformed by four members John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Star, their brilliant minds created beautiful songs, love songs, revolutionary songs, psychedelic songs, all of these were the reason why they were famous. Some important lyrics which began from the feeling of love were: love me do, It’s only love, Baby it’s you and Do you want to know a secret?, for the revolutionary time there can be mentioned the perfect song: Revolution and finally for the psychedelic time: Lucy in the sky, Straw berry fields and a Day in the life. As it is mentioned in “Univision musica.com” The Beatles were the band that sold more Discs around the world with discs sold.
One of the best bands nowadays is Cold play, a band of four members Chris Martin, Jon Buckland, Guy Berryman and will champion, Cold play is an alternative rock band that create songs of love, but in a particular way they write songs mainly of the lack of love, their music is soft and sweet, also they have songs that talks about personal success and about things that happen every day or about the love but seen from a third person point of view. One of the songs that could be for the lack of love is yellow and for personal success there can be mentioned fix you, things that happened every day: clocks and lovers in Japan for the love songs. Cold play is consider one of the best bands in the world, its music inspired many people, make them reflect about their life’s style and about what they are in this world, as “Univision musica.com” said cold play sold 50 million of discs around the world, cold play became in one of the music influences in the world.
It is very difficult to compare both bands, because the Beatles began in the 60’s, specifically The Beatles began in 19961 it is a rock and pop band, in the other hand cold play is an alternative rock band they started in 1998 it was another decade with different social problems. The Beatles began with a revolutionary way of dressing, their hair was different and against the social rules, then they changed their look, because they was influenced by the Indian culture finally they took the 70’s way of dressing with flared jeans and long hair, but cold play they still having the same image since the beginning they just change their music as well as The Beatles but their way of dressing is the same. The type of lyrics both bands manage is quite different, because one band is full of changes they began with love songs just for getting women’s attention and the other band has alternative lyrics with modern topics. The Beatles was popular because they revolutionized the music they introduced many changes about lyrics and type of cloths and nowadays Cold play is popular because they expressed on their music their ideas and daily happenings, their lyrics and music is original in this time that is why they are popular.
Although both bands have advantages and disadvantages, they are good bands their inspire feelings of change and love they make a better world with their music, as it is mentioned Cold play has their basis from bands like The Beatles  and they have almost the same inspiration when writing a song, both bands perform their feelings and ideas as good as possible both bands are original and they are  kind of complement in a personal opinion Cold play is in charge of maintaining the good music the meaningful music, cold play can be considered as a perfect successor of the grates  band aver the Beatles.

miércoles, 23 de noviembre de 2011

compare contrast essay

Topic: cold beetle
I Introduction
  A 60’s and 70’s
     1 Music
     2 Principal bands
   B Today’s music
     1 Influences from the 60’s
     2 Principal bands
II one of the most important bands in the 60’s and part of the 70’s
   A The Beatles
     1 Type of music
     2 How their lyrics were
     3 Records
III one of the most important bands nowadays
   A cold play
     1 Type of music
     2 How their lyrics are
     3 Records
IV Comparison point
   A Similarities
     1 Genre
     2 Lyrics
   B why they were popular
V Conclusion
Rock & roll, hippies, drugs; these are some words that can describe the 60’s and part of the 70’s. Beautiful decades, where the women liberation began, the mini-skirt appeared and drugs became popular. The 60’s was synonym of revolution, a decade where people could wish to be free and be free moreover the music was an incredible influence for the young people and the existence of bands like the doors, the who, and the rolling stones inspired people for expressing their ideas against the government. Today it is very different, music and lyrics are different they have no sense and they have artificial sounds, that means sounds created or made by the computer. Something that can be rescued from today is that there are bands that still having real music, but they are influenced, obviously, by the best decades the 60’s and the 70’s.
Without a doubt, the most important band in the 60’s and part of the 70’s was the Beatles, a band conformed by four members John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Star, their brilliant minds created beautiful songs, love songs, revolutionary songs, psychedelic songs, all of these were the reason why they were famous. Some important lyrics which began from the feeling of love were: love me do, it’s only love, baby it’s you and do you want to know a secret?, for the revolutionary time there can be mentioned the perfect song: revolution and finally for the psychedelic time: Lucy in the sky, straw berry fields and a say in the life. As it is mentioned in “Univision musica.com” The Beatles were the band that sold more discs around the world with discs sold.
One of the best bands nowaday is cold play, a band of four members Chris Martin, Jon Buckland, Guy Berryman and will champion, cold play is an alternative rock band that create songs of love, but in a particular way they write songs mainly of the lack of love, their music is soft and sweet, also they have songs that talks about personal success and about things that happen every day or about the love but seen from a third person point of view. One of the songs that could be for the lack of love is yellow and for personal success there can be mentioned fix you, for things that happened every day: clocks and lovers in Japan for the love. Cold play is consider one of the best bands in the world, it’s music inspired many people, make them reflect about their life’s style and about what they are in this world, as “Univision musica.com” said cold play sold 50 million of discs around the world, cold play became in one of the music influences in the world.
It is very difficult to compare both bands, because the Beatles began in the 60’s, specifically the Beatles began in 19961 it is a rock and pop band, in the other hand cold play is an alternative rock band they started in 1998 it was another decade with different social problems. The Beatles began with a revolutionary way of dressing, their hair was different and against the social rules, then they changed their look, because they was influenced by the Indian culture finally they took the 70’s way of dressing with flared jeans and long hair, but cold play they still having the same image since the beginning they just change their music as well as the Beatles but their way of dressing is the same. The type of lyrics both bands manage is quite different, because one band is full of changes they began with love songs just for getting women’s attention and the other band has alternative lyrics with modern topics. The Beatles was popular because they revolutionized the music they introduced many changes about lyrics and type of cloths and nowadays cold play is popular because they expressed on their music their ideas and daily happenings, their lyrics and music is original in this time that is why they are popular.
Although both bands have advantages and disadvantages, they are good bands their inspire feelings of change and love they make a better world with their music, as it is mentioned cold play has their basis from bands like the Beatles  and they have almost the same inspiration when writing a song, both bands perform their feelings and ideas as good as possible both bands are original and they are  kind of complement in a personal opinion cold play is in charge of maintaining the good music the meaningful music, cold play can be considered as a perfect successor of the grates  band aver the Beatles.





viernes, 11 de noviembre de 2011

Argumentative essay

Topic: CAUTION: videogames are warm guns for children
Pattern: Thesis statement:

PRO idea 1
            PRO idea 2
            CON(s) + Refutation(s)


I Introduction
A.    comments and point of view
    1 why videogames are bad for children
 B general information
      1 research
      2 how children are involved
II How videogames influence children
  A principal research
      1 statistics  
      2 reasons why children tend to play videogames
   B types of videogames
      1. Violent videogames
   C kind of behavior the videogames cause
      1. Principal behavior
      2. Effects
III reasons about why videogames are bad for the education of the children
  A. techniques used by videogames, why they should not  play
      1. Principal techniques
      2.  Reasons why they should not play
  B. real cases
       1. Why children said about the crimes they did
IV counterargument and refutation
A.    counterargument
        1 reason why videogames are good for children
B.     refutation
1        reason why videogames are bad for children
  V conclusion

CAUTION: Videogames are warm guns for children

Videogames are entertainment for children but videogames are also violence and destruction, children are exposed to all this kind of environment that produces secondary reactions, children do not have the necessity of videogames that fill their minds with violence, they do not need to watch and learn how to kill someone or how to use a gun. About this situation, there are many studies in E.U and Japan which show what kind of videogames people tend to play; these studies are always made in big countries but, what about Mexico? our country, this time the competitive intelligence unit have made some studies that show which console are the most used in this country. In this investigation the competitive intelligence unit takes into account the last three consoles in the year (Xbox, Wii and Play Station) and according to this study the most popular console is the Xbox among Mexican players that has a 61% of preference then with a 22% of preference is the Wii and finally the Play Station with only a 17% percent. All the companies in charge of these consoles have excellent strategies in marketing; they have many commercials on T.V which involve the audience and made them buy their products and technology in other words they use the T.V as the principal resource for selling their videogames also they used famous people for convincing the audience.
There are some categories in the videogames, but not all the categories are used by children, according to “la Universidad del pais vasco”  the videogames are divided in five categories: fantasy and violence, sports, general topics, human violence and Educational, the study shows the following percentages.
Fantasy and violence           32%
Sports                                   29%
General topics                       20%
Human violence                    17%
Educational                               2%
This study shows that children prefer violent videogames, but why do they prefer that kind of videogames? The answer is easily to find out; the reason is because companies use the correct marketing such as commercials, famous people and phrases that work on their psychology.
There are some violent videogames played by children that have images with dead people or people killing other people, some videogames with high content of violence are:
1- Resident Evil 5 (2009; Xbox 360, Playstation 3)

2- LittleBigPlanet (2008, Playstation 3)
3- Mass Effect (2007, Xbox 360)
4- Manhunt 2 (2007; Playstation 2, Wii, PSP)
5- Resistance: Fall of Man (2006, Playstation 3)
6- Bully (Canis Canem Edit) (2006, PlayStation 2)
7- Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (2004, Playstation 2)

Just for mentioning some of them, these videogames have bloody and strong contents on them, this kind of 
games make children different. One important point of this topic is that children change their behavior because 
of the videogames; they think they can do what they do on their games and they really do it, they become rude
 and antisocial, they are angry and all they think is to play their favorite game, also they do not have the same 
energy for doing physical activities and they have lack of creativity on school, there are some cases where children 
have killed people in the real life, they are imitating their videogame avatar. Children spend a lot of time playing 
videogames, according to some studies made for funk (1993), he offers a classification about how many hours, 
boys and girls play videogames:

lunes, 31 de octubre de 2011


Descriptive Essay

Topic: A day in my life   
Introduction: to ride a horse is the best thing ever
I learning to ride a horse
  A Who taught me how to ride a horse?
    1 how was it?
  B on the way
    1. Fist time I ride a horse
    2. on the way
  C first stop
    1. Dangerous way
    2. First landscape
II a horse is running
  A. when the horse ran faster  
    1. Auto control
    2. How I managed that moment?
III most beautiful way
   A. second stop
    1 how was it?
    2 what I did?
IV after all
A.    At night  
  1 first disadvantage: cars
  2 second disadvantage: the road  
V Conclusion

A day in my life

To Ride a horse is the best thing ever, it is that kind of experiences that cannot be forgotten.
I have been interested in horses; I admire their colossal bodies, their intelligence and their massive power. I began to learn how to ride a horse when I was at my sister’s ranch, one day my brother-in-law asked me if I would like to ride a horse but in my crazy mind I just could think about falling and lose the control of the horse, then my sister encouraged me and finally I accepted. It was the first time I was on a tremendous animal, the horse I chose was elegant its large neck, its exaggerate muscles and its imposing figure made me respect it, but it was not the reason why I chose the animal, it was its melancholic giant ayes which touched my heart. I was on that animal and I started feeling so nervous, my heart was beating as fat as possible then the horse started walking I thought I would never control my self and the horse. On the way was my sister and my brother-in-law followed me, that road was kind of strange at my right side there was an extensive field full of life and at my left side there were just dried trees, that way seemed not have any end. We needed to stop because we needed to pass through a very dangerous landscape, there was a beautiful lake surrounded of those lines of enormous trees, it was amazing.
I was fascinated with I was seeing, and I think it was the reason why my horse began to move by itself, I was more interested in watching that beautiful landscape, so the horse began to lose the control, but I was involved by the sound of the bird and the trees moved by the soft air running around. When I realized that my horse was moving faster I began to ordered the horse to stop, also I called my sister, I was very scared and I could not thing anything, that moment made been in shock, may be I was exaggerating but I really though that I would fall down then my brother-in-law told me that I needed to control my self, because it I am nervous the horse would be nervous too. I started thinking about other things, like a song or my friends, that method worked because I began to feel more relaxed and when I felt ready I began to shout to the horse and demanded it to stop, then the horse little by little began stopping its trot, I was very proud of me, I could control that imposing animal I get a big grip on my self.
The horse found the control helped by me, I was very excited about it, but suddenly when I saw at the way I could not believe what I was seeing, I was on a paved road, at both sides there were lines of trees, the sun light was faint, the horse was trotting slow, at the end of the road was a exquisite house, that house was kind of American, it was white and elegant, it was the most beautiful sight I could have, based on my experience I demanded the horse star running, it was wonderful to listen the sound of the horse running, it really was like a dream.
When we returned to the ranch, it was at night, it was very dangerous because there were not lights that could shining the road also the way was very strange, there was a possibility that a car could hit us, or fall down in a precipice, but we arrived to the ranch alive. A lot of disadvantages but we could return.
I really enjoy riding a horse, it was one of my best days ever, I would like to have a horse like this and take care of it, because horses are very benevolent if you are benevolent with them. I hope one day can be with the horse again.